HomeRubriche#tavolidadisegnoNello studio di Liz Suburbia

Nello studio di Liz Suburbia


We’ve visited Liz Suburbia‘s studio. The American artist has published the book Sacred Heart in Italy by Eris Edizioni and originally by Fantagraphics in the US.

What projects are you currently working on?

Right now I’m working on the first installment of the next volume of Sacred Heart, which I’m serializing in my new one-person annual Egg Cream. That should be out this Spring from Czap Books. I’m also working on an erotic comic about an alien invasion called Supernova Megacrush, but it’s taken me forever to get anywhere on it because I also have a full-time day job that doesn’t leave a lot of energy left over to make comics.

Which instruments/tools do you use to draw?

I use very cheap materials- Sharpies, gel pens, printer paper. For the new Sacred Heart stuff I’ve been drawing really messy on printer paper, then lightboxing it onto drawing paper from a 10-dollar pad from Michael’s (a chain of cheap arts-and-crafts stores) with an 0.9 mm mechanical pencil. I don’t have the patience for a nib or a brush or anything like that. This is the first time I’ve tried making a big comic in pencil; I like the line quality but there’s a lot more cleanup so we’ll see if I end up sticking with it.

Do you have any peculiar habits or routines before starting to draw?

I let my dogs out to use the bathroom, then let them in again- they like to sit close to me while I work. I’ll make sure my big jug is filled with water because I drink a lot of it. Then I’ll usually put something on TV, like a dumb drama or sitcom that I can mostly ignore, just to have a nice wall of background noise to help me focus. I’ll only listen to music while I’m cleaning up my pages and lettering on the computer.

Do you have books or comic books you keep close by when you draw?

We have a lot of bookshelves, but the one closest to where I usually draw is all comics and art books, or books I use for writing research. It’s good for me to have to get up to look things up, whether it’s a panel layout I’m trying to remember or a reference quote, because otherwise I’ll just sit in the same position for hours until my legs fall asleep.

Are there certain objects in your studio which you’re particularly attached to?

We just moved to a new house, so I don’t really have a studio set up right now- I just draw on the coffee table in the TV room. The big cabinet where I keep all my art supplies gets a little cluttered but I just threw out a ton of stuff for the move so it’s relatively clean at the moment. There’s a pretty sweet werewolf mask on it (the mouth moves when you talk!). And I have a drawing board that my friend Kevin Czap (who’s putting out Egg Cream) gave me years ago that I still use a lot; it’s covered in stickers of bands that have all broken up by now. Lots of things change and lots of things don’t.

Hope those are usable answers! Like I said, we just moved so my workspace is kind of boring and bare-bones right now, haha. Let me know if you need anything else from me!


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